🌈 Send good vibes my way!

I'm absolutely terrified but excited at the same time, and I dont know what to think about it!

5 months ago I had a stillborn at 34 weeks, I was due to have her in 10 days. Now, against many odds I'm pregnant again, about 6 weeks along.

I found out I have PCOS, I had just ovulated 3 days prior and per Glow, I had a 1% chance of pregnancy. We also used protection.

Today I was spotting, at first some brownish discharge and then a few hours later it was red/pink (both only when wiping.)

I'm absolutely terrified because I can't lose another child, I barely survived the first loss and am no where near done healing from it, but I'm excited to be given a second chance at being a mom!

So please, if you pray, send good thoughts or whatever you do, please keep my husband and I in mind.

I am a nurse, and I did go see my OB today. Repeat labs in 2 days. Fingers crossed!