

So, my husband works all over the US. He is gone up to 6 weeks at a time usually. He has only been to one Dr. appointment with me this whole pregnancy due to his job. They call him out either the day of or the day before an appointment EVERYTIME! The most recent was this week. They called him 4 hours before my appointment to tell him he was going to Maryland at noon that day. He cant request off for it because it's not considered "important enough" even for ultrasounds. The first time he got to see her was at 29 weeks and we had to pay $150 to a 4d imaging place just so he could finally see her. He was told last night they were coming home today and they left at 8am. An hour into driving home, he gets a call that they need to turn around and go to Florida. I understand it's his job and he needs to work so that we are taken care of, I just hate that he's missing out on this pregnancy as it is our first successful pregnancy. They did tell him he could take up to 12 weeks off when she gets here,unpaid. But he's not going to be able to do that either. Sorry for the long post, it's just the closer I get to my due date, the harder it is to watch him leave so much.😔

also, I'm not mad at him to be clear. I'm just frustrated that in order to pay bills and provide for us once I take my leave that my husband has to be gone all the time. And that locally there are no jobs that pay as well so that he can be home.