i’m 14 and have a bad relationship with my mom.


she is hyper critical of me all the time. i’m a good student and an athlete and it doesn’t matter what i do, it’s always wrong and i get yelled at. she doesn’t have an open mind about anything and she always a stressing me out. i’m not one to get super stressed, i’m normally pretty calm. but recently seeing her has made me stress to the point i shake and her nervous ticks. sometimes she’s nice, not not really. we never talk about anything. she has 0 trust in me and i haven’t don’t anything that isnt trustworthy. my parents are divorced and on good terms with each other, and we are at my dads 1/2 the time and with my mom 1/2 the time. me and my dad have a super good relationship and we talk about school and what’s worrying me, but i can’t tell him about what i think of her because he will tell her, (i learned that the hard way and got my phone taken for a week) i have no idea what to do, and talking to her scares me.