my love life

hey girls, I'm new here and just really need some support.

so this guy I've had a thing for since like forever began talking to me in March and I was estatic! we would flirt and he was super nice and totally caring. he asked me out and we went to the movies and to the arcade I had heaps of fun but when I got home I received a message from him saying that he just wanted to be friends, I was heart broken and cried for 2 days. we stopped talking for a while and then we began talking again and he still talks to me like her used to all flirty and we even sext sometimes, he keeps telling me that he doesn't want a relationship with me though...

I turned 18 in June and I was estatic, I invited him to my party but he didn't come he was busy which I understood. we message each other basically 24/7 and we get along really well. so last week he messaged me and asked if I was free on the coming Tuesday, which I was so we decided to hang out, we met at the shops and we walked around for a bit, got something to eat and then went back to his place to play video games. I was having so much fun, then he had to cook dinner for him and his mum so I offered to help even though I can't really cook and he was happy for me to help, after we made dinner we went back to playing video games, he was sitting next to me on the couch just watching and he turned to me and said " I really wanna do something to you right now" and I was like "it depends what it is" and then I was blabbering on about something and mid sentence he cut me off and kissed me, which btw was my first kiss! it was only a peck and then he asked if that was okay and I said yeah it was and then he leant over and continued to kiss me, we ended up going to his bedroom and do a lot more than just kiss but not as far as sex I stopped him before that. then we just layed in his bed talking for 5 minutes and then I got dressed and he left the room then quickly came back in and was like one more and then kissed me again. now earlier in the week he said that he might change his mind about being in a relationship with me later.

my main problem is, I don't know what to do, I am so in love with him and at the moment he doesn't want anything, do I continue with this or just keep it as friends?? of forget about him totally??