Boyfriend says our spark is gone?

Jenna • Live, laugh, and love!

My boyfriend (of almost 2 years) and I have had a sort of falling out recently. I have one daughter before we got together and we had another daughter together last year and I’m pregnant again (almost 16 weeks).

My last pregnancy sex was great! We had it twice a week pretty much up until I gave birth. Well this pregnancy we’ve barely had sex and he knows that when i don’t get sex I get cranky and moody after about 4-5 days without it.

Well I’ve talked to him about it and that i want it more often and he says that the spark is gone now. He said that we don’t do anything fun anymore because I’m pregnant again and he wanted to go on a vacation and take me to a roller coaster park and all this stuff but since I’m pregnant with our third child and it’s a boy that we can’t do anything anymore.

I told him we can still go out and do fun stuff and go on a vacation but he says it won’t be fun anymore with me being pregnant....I just don’t know what to do.

We both planned this pregnancy we just didn’t realize it was going to happen so quickly.

I just don’t want to keep feeling like I’m not good enough for him anymore. Like I work a full time job, I own the house, and I take care of the kiddos. While he is always leaving daily to go work out or see his other kids or just be gone and out of the house.

I don’t know what to do help me?