Insensitive boyfriend?? what do I do???

What do you do when your boyfriend of a year and a half is insensitive when you become upset. He emotionally shuts down and typically doesn’t try to fix anything, he just says he will “talk to me later”. Whenever I bring it up to him like it seems like he doesn’t care he says he does which is why I’m so confused. I can tell he loves me, he tells me all the time. I just don’t see why he can’t address problems when they arise rather than shut off all emotions and not take my feelings into account. My friend who I talk about this to asked me yesterday if Ive ever taken in account how many positives & negatives he has because she feels as though there’s many more negatives. I tried and thinking about the positives was harder than thinking about the negatives. This one question has opened up my eyes and now I feel so weird even kissing him or hugging him, almost like I’m falling out of love?? I don’t know.