My Brother is a Twat! Why?


First things first my bro is 15 and a sophomore in high school. He is older than me by two years. Lately he has been a really big dick to me. He is a tech geek, and he has been saving up for this computer thing for about a year. Let this be a note (He contributed about $100 into it, leaving my grandparents, and mother to pay the other $800). Anyway, about two days ago he got the last part shipped in. He has been using it all night and sleeping all day. During the waiting portion of one of his games (the loading screen) I asked him about a family trip thing. “Trip” meaning that a few family members that we don’t enjoy too much were coming to visit for 2 weeks. I asked him the simple question of “How many people are going to be in our house when they get here?” He responded with “Idk and Idc”. So I said “Ok then. How do you feel about going to play laser tag while they are here?” Which I know he loves to play. And this shithead had the nerve to say “Idc what we do, leave me alone!” ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!

His game hadn’t even started yet. Let me also put it out there that he is rude to his friends and other family members too. For example, this kid tried to FaceTime him and he dodged the call because he didn’t want to talk. And he was rude to this kid on his soccer team because the kid didn’t put him in the field (the coach had the kid sub the players). He called him FAT! It’s not that kids fault that you suck at soccer and he didn’t want to lose the game because of you. He also went to a party with his other friends and didn’t go to his cousins b-day party. So to sum it all up he is a douchebag. Do any of you have any clue why? Oh and he also does this thing where he says that I am just like my sister. Or my dad. THE DAD THING IS JUST TO BE RUDE BECAUSE MY DAD IS A LYING PIECE OF SHIT. AND THE SISTER THING IS THE DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD, JUST BECAUSE WE BOTH LISTEN TO THE SAME TYPE OF MUSIC DOESN’T MEAN THAT WE ARE THE SAME OR THAT I AM COPYING HER. HE ALSO SAID THAT HE WAS OIEM OUT MOM WHO IS THE BEST KINDEST LOVING SELFLESS PERSON ON THIS PLANET. HE IS MOST DEFINITELY NOT HER AND I AN DEFINITELY NOT MY DAD.

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