Do you think you NEED to go to college?


I've been out of highschool for two years now, with the assumption I'd take a year off of school and then go back and enroll into college. I took a year off because I was tired of school (I had perfect attendance from kindergarten all the way through 12th grade)

My brothers are constantly telling me I need to figure out what I'm going to do with my life, and my boyfriend's mom wants me to go to college ASAP too. My boyfriend is okay with me not being in college (he is going to graduate college in a year), but he knows I want a job that will require a degree, so he thinks I should start sooner rather than later. I used to want to be a park ranger while in highschool, but now I'm thinking I want to be a teacher or an optometrist. It's not like I don't do anything all day either, I've been working since I was 15, in various management positions and now I work for the school district. I just have no motivation to continue my education, but know I *should* go back, and I was just curious what the Glow community thought

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