Birth story

ashley • married to the love of my life. Momma to naomi 🌸

I honestly had the best L&D...; I was reading all these stories and I was honestly so scared to go into labor..

On Sunday 17 of June husband and I had sex immediately after I started cramping, my mucus plug was already coming out but now it was more bloody so I told my husband we’re gunna have a baby girl soon. The cramping had stopped but returned the next night on the 18 at this point I knew they were contractions but they were still 25-30 mins apart. I didn’t get no sleep that night so they continued getting stronger and stronger around 11 I had called my mom and told her they were around 8 mins apart she told me to go to the hospital but I honestly didn’t think I was in active Labour and I didn’t wanna get sent home so I just kept pushing thru. Around 2-3 that’s when things started getting rough. My contractions were about 3-5 mins apart. My husband was working and doesn’t get off until 5 so I was going to wait but they were bad at that point so he got off and we went to the hospital. The nurse checked me and told me I was 6-7 cm dilated 😭 I was so shocked I honestly didn’t think I was going to be dilated that much lmao I automatically was checked in and was taken to my room. 45 mins later I got the epidural and it felt so much better. after that it was just the waiting game. I was so scared of the epidural but tbh you don’t feel it!

Skip forward to 10 pm I was ready to push we did a few practice pushes and then it was go time I pushed for about 10 mins and my baby girl was born on June 19 at 10:31 pm 6 lbs and 8 oz. for me the worst part would be not being able to feel anything when I was pushing so I felt like I wasn’t making any progress.. I would definitely ask for a mirror next time.

Lol she was born on her original due date