ways to deal with shit?

i feel like theres no hope tbh but whatever here i go. basicly for ages ive had binge eating problems.like i take out my emotions by stuffing myself with food yearly. ive tried so much shit but i always resort to full fucking stuffing myself its disgusting.i CAN replace the food with sex but im over having to do shit rather than have self control and a healthy mind and self love again.im excuasted but when i get fat im too insecure to actuly meetup anymore amd its so much easier to eat than go out idk im just depressed. i do sport but it doesnt replace my emotional outlet. i doubt anyone has advice which is fine but please don't hesitate to say anything .u dont understand how long this has been going on i want my life back holy fuck. and i cant see anyone cos im young and fam is poor. now im crying hm.