So tired and ready 30 weeks pregnant


Hello lady's so I am 30 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I am so ready for our son to come already. I am so over being pregnant this is why. So I have had back pain and my tail bone hurts a lot, also heart burn, headaches and Braxton Hicks contractions. But I have to say the icing on the cake is that I go a hemorrhoid 3 days ago and it hurts so bad I have tried every thing I can think of to help it go down. Because of this I can't get comfortable at all. No sleep for me. I am just so tired and uncomfortable and in pain. I have called my Dr. and she won't give me anything for the pain. So sad right now but it is what it is. I guess I just want to vent about my experience at 30 weeks pregnant hoping these 9 weeks and 5 day go by fast. This is my last baby that I will be having I am 35 years old and so over having baby's. I have been pregnant 8 times, but sadly I lost two baby's . I have 5 beautiful children who I love very much. I have 4 beautiful daughter's and one son already this last one is a boy thank God for that works out perfect for me. But anyways just felt like venting thank you for reading my post. Hoping to feel better soon.