Diaper Bag Backpacks

Mystic🌙Momma • Boy Momma 💙 | Engaged | Aquarius | Pagan 🔮 | Pregnant 🤰🏻

Hey Fellow Mommas! I’m going diaper bag shopping in the next couple of days and I’m for sure set on a backpack. From past experience with taking care of my newborn nephew I had such a struggle with over the shoulder bags. It’s just a struggle to balance the bag and baby AND PURSE(if you carry one)!

So if any of you have any recommendations I’d love to hear them. I’m looking for one that’s more wide than it is deep. And preferably has a good sized thermal pocket. My sister has a backpack but it’s deep and we find ourselves just digging through the thing or taking everything out just to find the stuff at the bottom lol