Sooooo... I'm not crazy for laughing a deep, guttural, bellowing laughter once I saw this... am I???


My 17yo stepdaughter & the Mr have both been speculating that they think I'm pregnant & since I'm all Nancy No-Luck when it comes to carrying beyond 7 weeks... plus the fact that my cycle is two days away, lol... the sore boobs down to the extremely sensitive nipples.. Being out of breath doing random movement & dizzy spells when I stand... getting full fast as FUCK when I eat (& I have been trying to eat much healthier, as well as getting back in the saddle of my habitual athleticism with kickboxing, lately...) No nausea, but random headaches here & there... a tiny bit of faint, dark spotting... yawning & napping at the drop of a hat... sudden juicebox after a dry spell (which is an ABSOLUTE RARITY for me - the sandbox issue, not the juiciness, lol) 🙄😐😑🤦🏽 I'm in complete denial! I don't eem wanna get excited & tell my best friend, our families... I truly wanna surprise EVERYONE!!! But, I don't wanna add to my anxieties & think too much about it, either... This look like a plus sign to anyone else, or false hope?? I've been praying for a rainbow baby every time Rev. Red shows her ugly ass up to visit.... 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🤷🏽🤔👨‍👩‍👧+🤰🏽=👶🏽👉🏽👨‍👩‍👧‍👦or👨‍👩‍👧‍👧?? Not gonna do it. Not gonna drive myself crazy, yet. I don't eem have mood swings of any sort! I'm eerily calm... 😂😂😂