will he be happy w someone else?

my husband isnt happy w me, cause he said om not his type, personally. he said i lack too much knowledge and im a noobie. yeah, i lack knowledge because when i havent married him yet, my parents were really strict and overprotective of me. i couldnt go out much and i didnt even get to work until i was 17. met him at 18, and got forced to marry him at 19. but we were in love w each other still though, i just stayed w him for almost a week, parents mad about it and forced marriage. he was 25 at that time and was already married once. i just started my life when i married him. now 4yrs, the past 3yrs, he didnt let me go work, just wanted me to stay in, and have kids for him. we did miscarried 2x, finally have 2 kids now. he still wants me home as a sahm cause he doesnt want others besidez fam to take care of the kids. and he says he already made enough, for me to not be greedy w money by having more than what we need. anyways, hes always resenting me that he has to be the only one working. he acts like hes raising all of us. but he never even helps me w the kids nor around the house. i feel like a single mom living in welfare. he said i make him depressed and hate life. compares me to other women too that they are better. and hed be so much happier wout us. i remember when we were still dating, he said i am the light to his world, i bring him peace, and i make him happy. well now i learned that was only the honeymoon phase. will he be happier w someone else? or they will just eventually be like us in the long run? if i do leave him.