Experiencing Peace!


I’ve seen a lot of posts on here of women being brave and sharing their stories and past experiences of miscarriage, hardships in their relationships, medical scares, etc. A lot of us are soooo anxious about the possibility of something being wrong and/or going wrong with that little baby growing inside of us. It’s soooooo hard not to let your mind take you to dark places when you wipe and see blood, have a crazy pain on your side, waiting for the doctor to call back with your HCG levels, and the list goes on and on! I too started my journey WORRYING sick about the what if’s. What if I have a miscarriage, what if I don’t know how to be a great mother, what if someone doesn’t support me the way I think they should when I tell them the news that I’m expecting. I was so wrapped up that wasn’t fully enjoying this gift from God. I even would take HPT to make sure the lines were getting darker, which I then said to myself “do you not trust Him or believe that He has blessed you with this gift. Taking these tests aren’t going to provide you with any sort of peace that cannot be given to you by Jesus himself”. I don’t know who on here is a follower of Christ but I want to share the peace he has for you. Before I conceived, I kept going back and forth with my thoughts like “am I ready, are we financially stable enough, should I get new a job first, am I too young, should I wait until I’m in my upper 20’s, what will my friends and family think?”. Then the next second I would have thoughts like, “I am so ready, I was put on this earth to bear and love children, we’re going to be great parents”. I soon realized this wasn’t my decision and He didn’t create me to live with this anxiety and the fear of the unknown. Because Jesus Christ is a God who takes my fear and anxieties and carries them on his shoulders for me. Jesus does the heavy lifting so why try to take that on myself? This is so much bigger than me. I prayed every night that I would conceive in the Lords timing he has for me and not my own. I prayed thy will be done. Now I choose to trust that his will is for me and whatever is meant for me will be for me. I don’t take HPT, I don’t worry about judgment, I don’t stress about miscarrying because I DONT HAVE TO. I choose to give it to God everyday. I choose to thank the Lord for the HEALTHY BEAUTIFUL life growing inside of me. I pray you all can experience this peace as well. It’s truly overwhelming. When the devil tries to take my mind to worrying and fear I literally say out loud to Jesus “please take this from me Lord” and he immediately fills me with calmness. I hope you all who follow Christ can put ALL of your faith in him during this journey and I mean EVERYTHING. And for those who don’t know Jesus, I pray that you can experience his peace and his grace because there is nothing else like it. We have no control over His plan for us and we just need to trust in Him and thank Him regardless of the outcome. Sorry this was so long but I felt compelled to share and that someone out there needed to hear this.