Please help, what is wrong with me?

(Skip to the end if you don’t want to read this all)

Let me tell you a story.

Last school year, I was seated next to a dorky short boy with freckles and brown hair. He went to my elementary school one year so I kinda remembered him (this happened in the 9th grade), so I sparked up a conversation. Soon after, we had become friends and would talk the whole period. I have ADD so it was fairly easy for me to get distracted, and I started to fall behind in my classes. I did not care. I had a crush on this boy and would give up everything to talk to him. Eventually, he talked about how he was moving the next year. I was heartbroken. Summer passes, and I begin my first day of school. He’s there, in my first period! I celebrated too soon, however, for that same September he moved to another state five hours away. I never got to say goodbye...

A few months later, I was waiting at a bus stop when i learned that apparently I was very stupid and every other person in the school knew he was I love with me...

It all became clear.

It has been eight months since that incident, and I still am in love with him. I can’t move on. I am infatuated with him. I can’t catch feelings for anyone else. What is wrong with me?!!! I am so deeply in “love” that I can’t move past it.