Low progesterone but HCG okay...


Had my HCG levels tested last Thursday and Saturday and found out they're at 12,200 then 21,600 which doc said was okay. However, they're giving me a supplement due to low progesterone. Never had this before and a little anxious. They also want me to come in for an earlier scan tomorrow. I'll be 6w3d. However, according to my LMP I will be 7w1d. I am fairly certain that is not accurate though as I couldn't have concieved that early since I didn't have sex these days.

Basically, I've never had a scan this early and I'm nervous that they won't be able to see what they need to see and I will just be left feeling even more worried! I should mention I've had 2 early MCs in the past.

Anyone else with a similar experience?