Why have I never had ovulation symptoms until now? Preg?

Hi ladies, so I'm almost 25 and I ovulated on July 10th. I know it's only 6DPO and that's way too early for pregnancy symptoms but I found it strange that in all my years this is the first time I've ever experienced ovulation symptoms.

On my O day I got morning sickness for a minute literally, then some mild cramping on my right lower side where my ovaries would be, and then that afternoon I was eating a perfectly good home made sandwich when I kept smelling this metallic smell. It was driving me CRAZY and my partner kept looking at me like a freak because I kept sniffing my sandwich, lol. I was also very warm, lethargic, have sore breasts, and had been hungrier than normal.

My breasts today are the worst they've been so far this cycle, even though it's normal for me to experience sore boobs about 1 week before AF is due, so in a way just the severity of the discomfort is what's different. I can't walk around without a bra, that shiz hurts.

My partner and I also had unprotected sex on July 7th and 8th so perfect timing for my fertile window but he didn't finish inside me either times.

Is it normal for a woman's body to make that sudden change or to finally succumb to symptoms? It makes me wonder if 6 days ago was the first time I ever really ovulated?

PS - Yesterday I got this sort of dizzy spell. It lasts for about 10 minutes. My heart was racing, I felt tingly in my legs, had a slight head ache, and my eyes became sensitive to anything I was looking at so I had to close my eyes and rest. Dunno if that is related to post ovulation symptoms or not.