Feeling guilty

I have to get this off my chest and I hope someone can agree with me.

20 weeks pregnant with my first baby.

I love her so much already. I love feeling her move everyday and look forward to it. I can’t wait to have her here and hold her and kiss her.


I hate being pregnant. I feel so guilty saying that but I do. I’m tired all the time and I’m always stressing and worried about what I should be eating. I don’t sleep at all anymore because I’m not comfortable on my left side. (I’ve tried everything) and I spend all night stressing about accidentally rolling onto my back or other side. I currently have a partially torn left knee meniscus so sleeping on my left side hurts for that reason too. I’m a veterinary technician so I can’t do things I used to at work and it’s hard on me. I love my job so having everyone do things for me gets frustrating. I was sick for a while at the start of being pregnant and threw up more times than I ever have in my life. And it’s such an adjustment trying to find clothes that fit. I’m also worried about weight gain and I’m trying to just let it be and tell myself that I’ll work out a lot afterwards.

Just feeling overwhelmed.

Is it possible to love your baby but hate being pregnant?