Depression back. Husband gone

I love my son to death but it has already been a long exhausting day and my husband has only been gone for a little over 24 hrs. He’s currently 6 hours away for his annual military training which will last 3 weeks. When he did this training last year our son was one and he didn’t even remember my husband when he came back. Already I feel like my depression has crept back up. I miss my husband & I have no help. From sun up to down i have our child, take my son to work with me, listen to him fuss in the car. I’m running off 4 hrs of sleep right now. I could try taking him to my grandmothers house for a few hrs but honestly it stinks over there, she lets him take a nap whenever which I have to deal with bc then he wants to stay up late, letshim eat whatever he wants like popsicles at 10am, and more things. I’ve asked nicely for her to help by keeping him on schedule, feeding him what I bring & popsicles later & she always gets offended. So literally I woke up this morning, listening to my son fuss while I got dressed, then he climbed on me all morning instead of playing with his toys, took him with me to work and can’t get anything done here or with my work from home job in the morning. I give him attention, play with him, feed him, make sure he’s comfortable & it’s just hard. I feel like I need to meditate but I won’t be able to until he goes to sleep. I just want to curl up and cry. Idk what to do. My parents work so they can’t help during the day. I feel like if my depression wasn’t happening I might feel better & like I can handle it more. Maybe my son can sense that I’m pregnant too. Btw this is my husbands last annual training & his contract will be up at the end of the year then I don’t have to worry abt him leaving us. It’s just really hard right now