Prayers for clear hearts and minds


I feel strongly that I’ve experienced racism on a totally different level for the first time in my life. My boyfriend is Mexican and I strongly believe a huge choice about his life and future was made because of it in a negative way. This has never once been an issue for us, I love everything about him and am impressed by him in so many ways. He is a beautiful human being with so much love in his heart and it absolutely breaks mine to see him suffer any pain or injustice. I ask all you beautiful, strong, powerful women to send up your prays. I ask you pray for my love and his safety and well-being, I ask you pray for hateful hearts to be softened, I ask you pray for those in power to make decisions based on facts and truths never the color of someone’s skin or the multiple languages they are talented enough to speak, I pray love and mercy fill all of us that breath the air that sustains us. Strength in numbers, let’s spread love and help to minimize hate in our world and daily lives. Lord hear our prayers. Thank you 🙏 Amen