Please Pray for Us ♡


Had some brown spotting today after work and went right to the ER because that's how I found out I had a missed miscarriage last year. I'm 6 weeks 5 days according to this app. Last missed period was June 1st.

Yesterday I had bloodwork that showed my HCG was at 30,060 (4 days before it was 12,525)

The hospital took my blood today and my HCG was at 41,000.

They did a bed side ultrasound and the doctor said the pregnancy looks to be in the right place, he doesnt suspect an ectopic. He did a swab and there was no blood, but he did say my cervix looks tilted. (I've never heard of a tilted cervix) He recommended I see the gynecologist. He booked me an ultrasound for first thing tomorrow morning with a follow up at the ER with the gynecologist.

I'm scared but I'm really trying to stay positive and remind myself its early. I need many prayers tonight that tomorrow morning will go well and I will see the baby. If anyone has had any similar experiences and would like to share I'd love any support. Thank you ♡