I got a surprise this morning ❤😁

Sam the T-zam

I know this isn't really the site or probably group to share this story, but I'm just so damn excited I have to share with somebody! We've waited 5 long months for this day to finally come and I'm so proud!

So you guys, something amazing just happened. I was sitting in the house enjoying a cup of coffee, when I heard a commotion in the coop, so I went to check it out thinking maybe something spooked them praying it wasn't a Predator trying to get my girls. After going out to check, I seen one of my Barred Rocks sitting in a box and I walk up to pet her. She didn't move and that's not her typical behavior so I was really worried. I've spent so much time and money on my girls I was at first scared she was sick. I picked her up to look closer and see her vent pulsating. I feel her down there and I feel a mass 😮 I put her back on the box and begin watching her. Then I see it! A small brown egg began coming out so I put my hand down and it pops out right into my hand. So I was able to literally catch my chickens first egg! Words can not express my excitement.