OB vs reproductive endocrinologist

Tara • 💍 married 💕ttc 👶🏼 number✌🏻after rainbow IUI babe. fur-mom to joey 🐶

Ttc for 1yr after MC. Next cycle OB wants me on clomid (he said i dont ovulate regularly each cycle). Not sure tho if i should be seeing a reproductive endocrinologist vs clomid with OB?

Pretty sure OB doesn’t think i have anything going on, I’d hate to go be poked and prodded and pay a lot with RE if it’s not needed yet. My blood work ruled out any conditions beside irregular O.

Plz help? Feeling heart broken. Hoping one day for a 🌈

Good luck to you all as well 💕

Edit: semen analysis was done and normal

My blood work done was



3. TSH