Clomid help!!!

Britt • Trying for my miracle baby. 2 miscarriages. All God’s timing 🙏🏾

Hey Y'all. so I am going on Clomid again! I'm so excited. Me and my hubby have been actively actively trying since the beginning of this year. I do ovulate every so often but not like I should. a few years ago we went ahead and tried starting a family and I went on Clomid for the first round. When I came off Clomid it was horrible for me. After taking the 5 pills the very next day I was projectile throwing up, diarrhea, I was so weak I was crawling to the bathroom excessively sweating. I am super excited and super nervous. But I'll go through anything to have a family with my husband. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this? the doctor prescribed me the 50 mg.. Wish me luck and tell me your thoughts I'm excited for this journey and I am ready for whatever I have to go through. All in God's glory