What do you think?

Alright so my mom and sister moved into these apartments about 7 years back. So they’ve been there for a while. They’re more like townhouses. So my moms normally tries to make acquaintances with everyone new who moves. She’s just super friendly and honestly, doesn’t really have friends. So last year a woman and her two kids moved in to the left of my mom. They’re a black family. (I’m getting somewhere with the color). So my mom made great friends with her. We’re not a racist family at all. We accept everyone for who they are. But my moms neighbor and herself became very close. Her kids play with my sister and I even go and visit them. Ever couple weeks they get together and have a cook out in the back yard ect. They try to make it fun for the Kids. Wel a few months ago they got a new neighbor which just so happened to be someone I went to school with. She’s a younger girl (white) and has two kids. They’ve all become great friends. Every night they all gather around someone porch and sit out and talk and laugh and everything. Well two months ago another family

Moved in to the right of my mom.. they’re also a black family. Well after they settled in my mom saw the mother outside and tried to talk to her and she blew my mom off. Wel the next day she came over and told me mom she wasn’t here to make friends so if she wants a peaceful place then she needs to leave her alone. She also threatened to tell the office that my mom had a cat. So my mom got really hurt by that. Because she was really just trying to be nice. Well yesterday like always my mom and her friends where outside sitting around having a good time. And the other black woman come outside and went up to my moms black fiend ebony and started up a conversation with her. As my mom and the other girl who is white tried to

Chime in, she ignored them both and turned her head. Now this woman’s husband stopped me the other day in my car and we had the nicest conversation. He said he wanted to make friends but didn’t know anyone cause they moved from a few states away. But is it just me or is his wife racist? Racist towards white people? I mean we’ve been nothing but nice to them especially this lady and she barges right into our group. Starts up a convo with the other black woman and ignores the rest of them? I’m getting ready to call her out the next time it happens honestly. It’s ignorant and rude.