Irregular periods

I started taking birth control in March to help make my periods bearable and also as contraceptive. I recently went on a trip to California and was in the mountains the majority of the time. I started my period right on time a week before vacation, and finished a few days before I left. It was a completely normal period, and did not expect to get my period until I got to the end of my birth control pack. 12 days later, I started to get pretty bad cramps and just thought I was ovulating and maybe all the hiking I was doing was messing with my system (idk🤷🏼‍♀️). I was only half way through my pack. I went and checked, and I got my period and it was very clotty and heavy. I take my birth control at night, and being on the road I forgot to take it 2-3 nights (not in a row) but I doubled up the next day like the instructions told me too. So I had my period for about 5 days, and continued to take my pill every night. I finished my period, I flew home, and 9 days pass, and I get to the end of my pack to where I start taking the placebos. I thought I definitely wouldn’t have my period since I had 2 periods with 12 days in between, but I started! I was cramping, clotty, and going heavy. I just finished it the day before yesterday. and it lasted for about 4 days. I was giving my body a day or 2 to relax and I was going to start taking my pill like how I normally do. I know this may sound dumb, but I figured maybe the altitude had something to do with it? Or was it me forgetting to take my pill? Also, I had sex while I was on my period on vacation (I was still taking the pill but no condoms) and I had sex yesterday (no condoms) after my period finished the day before, and I had been taking the placebos 4 days before. So I had no birth control whatsoever in my system. I just started my new pack this evening. Any thoughts on why my periods may be acting so strange? I have not called my doctor, because I wanted to see if my body would go back to normal. Today I have felt slight pressure in my uterus all day, and slight cramping as well. Help a clueless girl out, y’all.