Insane family fight


I'm so lost right now. Backstory-- My SO switched to a better paying job pretty quickly, and this job has made us need to move. Our lease was up at our house, so until we found a new house in the area we are about to move to - I thought it would be a good idea to stay with my parents out of state with our 3 kids. My parents are getting old, and I never get a chance to visit (my kids only get to visit during long school breaks since it's so far away) so I wanted to spend time with them.

Well, I have an older brother who STILL LIVES WITH THEM whose a drug addict ..although hes in denial because he says only does hard drugs when hes "partying", and he says his other are prescribed (yet he shoots them up.. you can see marks all over his ankles and arms).

I didnt think he was still bad off or I wouldnt have came. My hubby dropped us off (our other car needs some repairing), so I'm out here without my car.

SO.. My brother busted in my room tonight and started screaming upset because my kids (two boys - one just turned 2 and other just turned 3) were on top of his suitcase with his clothes in there. I also have an 8yo daughter. Why he kept them in my old room and not his own? I dont know...I guess his room is so trashed he keeps them in mine. I've been here for about 3 days now and he had plenty of time to get his stuff.

I mean he went NUTS. He then proceeded to go in my parents room and yell at my dad (I could hear from my room) and he ended up getting into a fight with my dad. Yall, my dad is 68 years old. He's a strong man..still his older.. but my brother got the jump on him and ended up having him on the floor on some type of hold with his legs wrapped around my dads neck. My dads face was RED and he wasnt making any noise. I freaked out and started screaming at the top of my lungs when I came out to see this so I kept yelling and crying for him tostop. He wouldn't so I grabbed the closest thing I could find (dvd cases) to throw at him to get him to release him. They were in the middle of a doorway so I couldnt grab him off.

I had my kids safe in my room in a corner and had made sure the door was closed.

After he finally released my dad he came at ME trying to fight and told me I should stay out of it and later on lied and said my dad was choking him!!!!!!! I was so scared, hurt, astonished, and so much more.

My dad has high blood pressure so I rushed out before I saw what my brother was doing to him to see what was going on so my dad wouldn't get too worked up and have a heart attack. Yall for literally 3 hours after it happened my brother was yelling saying the ugliest things to and about me and my dad, about my husband (who isnt even here). My kids are half Hispanic and he was saying racial slurs as well. I kept quiet and did not want to engage but he just wouldnt shut up for hours.

He was even yelling things through doors to my young kids saying all these lies about me and their dad. We were locked in another room the entire time to keep them safe but he kept screaming. I was singing to my kids, and being playful to edge out his voice and make them feel everything was okay.

I don't want to be here and I dont know where to go. We are safe and things have calmed down, but all this over stepping on clothes IN a suitcase?? Just wow. I want to leave so bad. I dont have any other family down here that we can go to stay with for a month until we find a place of our own in Texas. We are saving up money and wont have enough for a weekly hotel room (even the cheap hotels are like 200-400 weekly). I'm lost and feel like a fish out of water.

I'm keeping my kids away from him and near me at all times (or near my mom) from here on out until I can figure out where we can go. This is and was always only a short term thing just to spend quality time while we save money. It was supposed to be a family reunion somewhat and a half vacation for me since where we did move from we also had no family nearby so I never have breaks that us mothers need once in a while. My husband helps when he gets off work but he works a lot and has a long commute but still finds time to play and give them attention.

Also, my parents have been giving my kids candy and sugar this entire time we've been here-- and I haven't complained since we just got here and they just want to spoil their grandkids. Because of this, they are hyper and bouncing off walls. My brother was trying to say Im a horrible mother because of how my two toddler boys have been bouncing off the walls (but hello, sugar + toddlers = hecticness) BUT THEY ARE 2 and 3!!! He never sees me and does not know how I parent at all. I see him maybe once a year if that usually, and for a day at most usually since it's only when I'm here for a holiday. I told my parents tonight no more sugar at all. They have a hard time sleeping since they are used to their own beds, so it has been hell getting them to sleep because of that AND the sugar (anyone elses toddlers have a hard time sleeping out of town without their own beds??).

Im just done. guess this is more of a rant and a cry for help. They said they are going to try to kick my brother out because this was way ridiculous. He said the ugliest things to my dad, who provides for and pays for everything for him..still! My brother doesnt even work!! Its insane. It kills me to think of my dad having a heart attack because of all this stress. My feelings are so hurt but I'm trying to stay strong.

He made me feel so little but I know I'm a good mother. My kids do not behave this way at home.