I'm not sure..

Am I depressed and need to be put on medications or .. is my SO causing me to be upset all the time..

Posting anonymously..

So I'm pregnant. Due in two months..

I work 4pm-2am. When I get home? I stay up and make my SO lunch for work. I finished that at 5:00am. He sleeps through many alarms.. and I was on the couch. And I could not get up.. (Ten hour shift.. I was tired) I didn't walk in the room to wake him up. So I said "Babe it's time to wake up" he starts yelling at me saying a bunch of stuff. "You never lay with me anymore." (Because the room smells like shit. Because he eats food and leaves it in the room and that's all I smell. And i have to clean it up..) I've told him this..

"You always yell for me to wake up!" And mocks me.. yelling "Hey babe wake up!"

He works 12 hour shifts and comes home to hang with his friends or play video games..

I work... and sleep.

He complains I sleep a lot.. (I'm always tired)

He complains how I cry a lot... (wonder why)

And Saturday he got mad.. pulled the book case over and broke it..

Today .. an hour ago.. he stomped down on my antique rocking chair...

Now it's broken..

Am I depressed? Do I need medication?

I gotta bald spot on my head where I've been pulling my hair out without realizing..

I always think about leaving and living in my truck..

And his family royally fucked me over.. so now I don't have ANYTHING for my baby..

His mom told me not to buy anything for my baby that I'd get it at a baby shower.

She got mad at us because we weren't home.. disowned SO and told me to fuck off. She had a key to the house to get the stuff she needed to get. So now.. I feel so .. so alone..

So I sit here.. crying.. feeling lost and hopeless..

Help.. please..

I make his meals from scratch. It takes so long because I forget a lot or I mess up and start over on food.. today was hamburger chili and noodles and a side of mac n cheese. And a turkey sammich..

The hair pulling I didn't notice until my husband.. told me I had a bald spot. I previously fell down and hit my He's on the corner of the bed a month ago and wasn't sure if t was from that. I keep catching myself messing with it.. and pulling hairs out from around it.

I haven't seen or contacted my mother since I was 12. My father is a pedophile and I got out as quick as I could. I left and lived homeless 16-18 and was finally free from physical harm from that. My mom left me with my dad.. my dad filled my head with lies about her. Turns out he cheated on her and she cheated on him. They fought. I left when my dad attacked me. I punched him in the face. Feared going to jail. Became a runaway. I graduated highschool though.. my husband helped me after that. He is good. But has his moments, we all do.