Does anybody work in the operating room?

Ash • Mommy to Sterling 10 October 16 Jensen 25 August 19

I have a question. Well me and my husband are ttc no positive yet but I’m just trying to be prepared. I’m a surgical technologist so I assist the surgeon in surgery. I do all types of surgery. Well when I was pregnant with my first son I was in the military and to protect me from c-arm/bone cement/anesthesia gassed they send me to spd (sterile processing department) to work because it’s “safer” well now I work at a civilian job but my doctor when I become pregnant will still be military. Which means I won’t be seen till I’m 8-10 weeks a long. So I feel it’s already so far into the first trimester which is huge for development. So I can’t ask this question. Does anybody know how long you can’t be in rooms with total joint cases due to the bone cement? Is it just the first trimester or the whole pregnancy?