Caught my husband chatting to women on kik

So about 6-9 months ago I found out my husband was chatting to women on kik. It was completely accidentally I found out and never had a suspicion. Well if any of you have used it you know that if you log in on another device the messages get deleted, but you can still see the people he was previously chatting with. Well he didn’t know this so I confronted him and didn’t tell him that I didn’t see the messages and he was so sorry blah blah blah. Well he told me he didn’t tell any of the women he was married or had a child, but he wasn’t flirting, just wanted to talk to someone because he was “lonely”. Well anyways I forgave him and we moved on and I still don’t know what he said to any of the women, I think there were 2-3. Obviously it has been a while since this happened. My husband was in the army when this happened and now he is going through the police academy to be a sheriff deputy. I’m a SAHM of our son. I can’t help myself from feeling like I still can’t trust him and with his career choice of being a cop he will eventually cheat on me or start talking to other women. Now I’m not saying all cops are cheaters, my dad and Mom have been married 25 years and they are happy and blissful and everything I want in a marriage. On the other hand his dad is a cop and he did cheat on his wife multiple times and they divorced. My husband isn’t his dad and I don’t hold it against him, but as a wife and mother I feel like I’m putting everything on the line by being a SAHM with no back up plan if this ever happens again. Because next time I will leave, but I don’t want there to be a next time and I want our family together. I LOVE being a SAHM and want more kids but this incident is torturing me and I am my own worst enemy right now. We’ve been married over three years and we’re married young, at 20. Any advice?

Note:he has tried to redeem himself, doesn’t ever hide anything including his phone, tells me it was a horrible mistake and went to one counseling session on his own will because he said something had to be wrong with him in order to put our family on the line for no reason...he joined the army so we could get married and then joined the sheriffs department because it was his dream and I support that.