Men Need Porn

Kirsten • Wife • Mom to Lily 06/19 and Emma 09/21 •

Most women on here say men need porn. I told my husband that and he replied "No we don't". Odd that a man knows they don't NEED it. Like it's great that most women on here are ok with porn in their relationships. That's fine. But I think it's fine there are women who don't want porn in their relationships. Why on this app is everything "Pro-women" and "women have rights" except the ability to not have porn in a relationship. Im tired of seeing women tell other women that men need porn, to "get over it" and accept that their man will watch porn even if he previously agreed wouldn't and tearing each other down over it. Couple's have reasons for not allowing porn in a relationship whether it's body issues, respect or the Outlook of porn. Newsflash: Men have something called control of their actions. They don't need porn. Especially if they have a woman who send them pics and who have sex with them.Lets support women who want their men to stay honest to what they agreed in a a relationship. Let's support women who have boundaries in their relationships that really aren't ridiculous. Men don't NEED porn.