I wished we talked...


I had twins little under six weeks ago and well my husband is in the Navy and is leaving for a deployment in a few months. which I have been mentally preparing to be alone for the six months without any family nearby to help. I've been goig out trying to make friends, talk to people, and such. basically trying to be 100% independent. well last night we sitting watching movies and goofing off. well, he started talking about how sailors can trade duty sections with each other as long as they had the same quals and rate and that someone straight up offered to take his deployment. I tried to keep a calm face and simply asked what he did. He turned him down. I felt my break and took everything not to break out crying these are our first kids and he's gonna miss so much in their devlopment because he says we need the money. Money is more important than watching our girls grow? My mom worked away every single one of my siblings and I childhoods away, because she wanted us to live the best, but I hated never having her around. I don't know what to say or do. It also doesn't help that his grandfather's cancer is getting worse. I'm not usually emotional, but it hurt to hear him say that he turned the offer away. No I haven't talked to him about my feeling, but I don't know if I should complain. This is the first time I've ever felt betrayed by him. I know it's ridiculous.