Husband had a vasectomy today


So today was a bittersweet day in our house. My husband went and had a vasectomy. We have four beautiful healthy girls and I’m truly grateful and blessed for them. It’s been such a crazy, adventurous time in our house. We talked about being done and we both were ok and on the same page and then DDay came and I was a ball of emotions. The thought of never having another baby, the thought of never having a son just overwhelmed me this afternoon. I know some will say count your blessing and be grateful, and I am. I thank god every day. I’m just so emotional knowing that we’ve completed our family. We wanted so much for a son and I hate myself for even feeling this way knowing some can’t even have kids but it’s a feeling that I have and I just hope I can come to peace with it all soon.

Thanks for listening. Sorry for the rant. Just a bittersweet day! Here are my girls and I! I’m blessed!