**Warning Rant**


So I go into a building and I walk over and sit down next to an older lady to wait. She turns to me and asks me how far along I am (I'm 28 weeks with my 5th baby so I'm freaking huge at this point) I answer with 7 months. Shes all like "aww is this your 1st baby?" And I'm like "no actually my 5th." She is floored y'all her jaw drops and she's like "your 5th!!??!! 😱😨😵OMG how old are you and how the hell do you look so happy? I'd kill myself if I had 5 children" I'm over here not even sure what to say back to this shit 😯😐 (I don't think I look my age so Im guessing she's thinking I'm younger.) Mind you I am usually a very nice and laid back person. I don't let a lot get to me and don't get angry easily. So I reply with "I'm 28 and just a happy person I guess. My motto is this too shall pass" 😀💞😄 So I'm thinking she's put her 2 cents in and this is gonna be over right. NOPE. She continues with "OMG you shouldn't even do birth control just have them cut everything out." And now I'm floored and at a complete loss for words 😨😡😤 And she still keeps GOING!!! On and on about how 5 kids is too many and how do I handle it and how have I not snapped and why haven't I had my tubes tied and don't I know what birth control is and blah blah blah. At this point I'm beyond pissed off but I don't want to cause a scene so I finally stand and I'm like "I wish I could say it was nice chatting with you but it really wasn't you should learn when to mind your own business lady" and just walk away. Like WTF. Who does that?!? TO A COMPLETE STRANGER none the less???