Baby is here ❤️


Welcome to the world Winry Selina Boykin. Born five days before due date on Friday, July 20, 2018 at 8:18 AM via scheduled c section. She is 8 lbs 2 oz and 20” long.

She was frank breech which is why I needed surgery and right now her little legs are gapped open like a frog so whenever the nurses swaddle her she is triangular like a Dorito.

Her daddy is in absolute awe and I love seeing him in this new role as a father.

Her head is an interesting shape, similar to Phil and Lil from Rugrats and she has black fuzz/hair like when I was born only not as much.

Surgery was scary but not as bad as I thought it would be; it’s the aftermath that has me in tears. I thought I would be given great painkillers but so far the only thing that takes these cramps away is something called Demerol and only lasts for about 30-45 minutes. Just got done feeding Winry at 5:00 AM on our second day at the hospital. She breastfeeds ok but has needed a supplement since my supply isn’t coming in so great right now but I’m still trying. Everything feels kinda surreal and I think I’m in a little bit of shock over this new life change but I love her little almond head with all my heart. ❤️❤️❤️