conceiving after an Ectopic


Hi, has anyone ever conceived after removal of their one tube due to an Ectopic pregnancy, and is it possible to get pregnant if the remaining tube is scarred?

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I had an ectopic in November and had my right tube removed. I decided to wait a few months to try again. I came off birth control at the beginning of April and got a BFP at the beginning of May! I am currently 15 Weeks pregnant as of today.


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Its definitely scary to get pregnant after but it is possible. I had my ectopic removal in Jan with my left tube being removed and conceived 3 weeks later. It was scary for sure being pregnant so soon but here I am at 27 weeks. It can for sure happen and be a sticky baby. I wish you the best of luck for your rainbow!


Posted at
Definitely still possible. Had my right tube removed in August of last year and currently 18w5d. My doctor said a perfectly healthy woman with both tubes has a 25% chance of conceiving any given month based on all the factors like timing of sex and ovulation, sperm getting to egg on time, etc. Having a tube removed only lowers those chances by about 5% as an egg from the opposite side can be swept up by that tube. Common misconception that the ovary and the Fallopian tubes are connected. They're close to each other but not connected.


Hildah • Aug 1, 2018
thank you I will definitely do that


Stefani • Jul 25, 2018
Also, if your remaining tube is scarred there is a higher possibility of having another ectopic but you still have a chance of it making it to your uterus before it implants. Next time you get a positive test, inform your doctor right away so they can see you earlier than normal for an ultrasound and blood work. Good luck hun.


Posted at
I had my ectopic with left tube removed in January and am currently pregnant now. Praying this baby is in the right spot! It’s definitely scary to start trying again but I kept telling myself I am not letting fear win and we were going to keep trying. Best of luck!


Hildah • Jul 23, 2018
all the best you are in my prayers.


Posted at
Yes. I had an EP at 6 weeks. Had emergency surgery as I was a few hrs from dying. This was 6/7/18. I never had a period after and bought ovulation tests just to see where I was in my cycle. My opks kept being positive so I took a pregnancy test and it was faint but over the next few days it was a blazing positive. I’m high risk because of the EP. I just found out last week and I’m going next week for two blood tests and my first OB appt. I am praying this baby sticks and is in the right place. Good luck to you!!!! Sending baby dust your way. 🌻✨


Hildah • Jul 23, 2018
wow just when I was about to lose hope thank you mine was last month 6/6/18 I have not tried to BD its terrifying. good luck to you as well.


Posted at
Yes it’s definitely possible. Lots of positive stories on here if you give them a read. I fell pregnant a year later with only one tube.


Hildah • Jul 22, 2018
it's terrifying to try again, but I'm going to hope and pray that the next time it should be different from my two previous pregnancies


Posted at
I had the same procedure about 4 months ago, a month after I had it I was pregnant but ended up being on another miscarriage this would be my 8 miscarriage. Now 4 months after I'm 1 day late and have a postive faint line in one of the pt I took. I'm nervous and full of questions.


Hildah • Jul 21, 2018
I'm so sorry for your loss. it's a good thing that you can still get pregnant now the problem is staying pregnant, and this is what my doctor told me last month on my visit. wish you all the best and you are in my prayers