Had my August baby


He was due August 8th 2018 induced due to hypertension and gestational diabetes and he hasn't gained any weight in two weeks so he was born at 37w1d labor stopped progressing after 20hours and the epidural worked for 15hours and than wore off so we decided on an emergency c section he arrived at 4:07am July 19th 2018 weighing 5lbs 13oz And 18.5in long his first 24 hours were rough he had low blood sugar from my gestational diabetes but is doing great now and takes the breast and bottle like a champ he's such a content baby only time he whines is to eat or when changing his diaper bcuz of the circumcision we have been in the hospital for 5days and the c section was the worst but now I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel we are heading home today and I can't wait I miss my bed and can't wait to see him with his older brother and sister