Losing weight in college HELP

I’m currently a junior in college full time, working 2 part time jobs, and I am trying to lose weight. I weigh around 220-225 and I don’t have a specific weight goal, I just want to feel confident and healthy. However, being in college full time is making things really hard. I live on campus because I am a resident assistant and the only way I can afford food is through my free meal plan, that doesn’t exactly have healthy options. I also have a second job at the YMCA, which is nice because it’s a free gym membership! The thing is I don’t even know where to start with working out. I don’t want to look dumb while I’m at the gym because I don’t know what I’m doing. I just go walk on the treadmill at a brisk pace because I’m afraid only running for 1-2 minutes will make me look dumb/weak. I can’t afford a trainer because private university is expensive and I’m beyond broke! Please let me know if you have any tips or tricks! I’ve tried Pinterest but I don’t want to look dumb in the gym with all those fit people around me.