Husband watches incest porn.

***please read the whole thing***


I brought it up to him that I found it and how. He said I should've woken him up right away when I found it so we could talk about it. He began crying saying he would never make me feel uncomfortable in any way like that and would never hurt my daughter in any way. He said that to him, that's his daughter and he'd never even think about doing such a thing. He said that it's just something he looked up cause he came across those titles cause of a porn star he liked that did those videos. He's never given me a reason to doubt him or not trust him around my daughter. He was really hurt over it and I know now that that isn't why he saw it. I told him my reasons as to why it freaked me out and he said he understood and that he would feel the same way if it were the other way around. He doesn't delete his history and I could go through his phone whenever. He kept telling me he would never want me to feel unsafe or like my daughter couldn't be safe around him. He also said that there's stuff he'd feel uncomfortable with me watching as well after speaking to him for a while about it and I totally understand. He understood why I felt the way I did and said he wouldn't watch that again and that he'd go through any measures I believe to be necessary because he wants me to be at ease and he wouldn't ever do anything like that or watch anything with underage girls or anything like that. I told him I watch my own stuff that I'd never act out on or even think of doing in real life like gangbangs or lesbian porn. I'm glad this got resolved and that it's not something I should be worried about.

****EDIT**** it's the first time I've seen him watching this. He's never been one to clear his search history on his phone and I came across that. He saves porn videos or tells me that he liked a certain one. But this happened 6 days ago and the last time he watched it was 4 days ago. I just saw it last night. It started after that conversation about that one show. We've talked about this before because of things that came out on the news and stuff and he'd say how fucked up it was, but I never thought anything of it.


So. I came across this last night when I was trying to get myself off and my phone turned off. I grabbed his and when I was typing in the word "porn," his Google search title came up as "incest porn." That freaked me out a little bit and I went into his history. He watches different porn, but he was watching quite a bit of step dad/step daughter porn these past few days. I know he watches porn sometimes and that's never been an issue with me at all, because I watch porn too. The thing is that it freaked me out because we do have a daughter and she is from a previous relationship. The topic of the whole "incest" thing came up about a week ago because he watches a lot of crime shows and documentaries. He was telling me about one of the shows that was weird to him because it had to do with that. I don't know if that's what made him look up incest porn or something. And well, if you've been to a porn site, there's a whooooole lot of videos of that and even the same video with a different title at times and more related videos in the page of the one you clicked. I know when I first started watching porn maaany years ago, I did click on a few that had to do with that. but I'd never do anything of the sort. Ever! I watch lesbian porn, but I'm not a lesbian. I watch different types of porn. The whole incest porn isn't what I'm into at all and I know everyone has their own things they like to watch and doesn't mean they'd act out on them or anything like that.. The thing is, I just feel weird about it because he is my daughter's step dad. He's been in her life for 9 years. He's a great dad to her, very family oriented and we're both always talking to her about online safety and not talking to strangers and monitoring who she talks to because she's 10 and likes to play video games online with my nephew. We just had a conversation with her about it yesterday. He is really a great father to her and we have a little boy on the way. Am I just overthinking it because of my situation, him being her step dad and all? I Know he'd never do anything to her or to hurt her in any way because he sees her as his own daughter and always has seen her that way and she loves him a whole lot and I know if there was anything weird going on she would tell me right away no matter who it was. That's something I've always spoken to her about... I wanted some outside input before bringing it up and over reacting to him over it. I sure as hell would never be with someone like that. I am aware that there's different things people watch and wouldn't act out on or anything like that, it just weirded me out to see that on his history. And of course, it's all adults in the videos.