it’s been a long time since ive had my own period ...

So it’s been a long time since I’ve had my own period. well I’ve always been irregular and I’m obese also.. But looking at me you wouldn’t think it so when my first husband died 3 years ago it was just me and my two oldest children for a good bit before my now husband came along and his two daughters (9&6) so I never got fixed 11 years ago I’ve still had all my working parts I’ve just got pcos which isn’t a bad case of it. I don’t grow unwanted hair and all that and last ultrasound I had I had a couple of small cysts that was it on my ovaries well after I met my husband in May 2017 we didn’t hesitate on trying to have another child when together we got four ages are 14,11,9 and 6 but we wanted one or two together if god willing. So only way I could ever have periods was if I was on birth control to jump start me but of course I was always told those aren’t actual periods that it was withdrawal bleeding so I have been taking birth control on and off for couple months now to jump start my body to bleed well I would stop them when I started bleeding and wouldn’t start back till I missed a day I was suppose to bleed again well it’s been about a month in a half maybe since I even had a birth control in my body and I was expecting to take one anyday now to help me start bleeding but out of the blue I just started bleeding today and I was so excited because I didn’t have to take birth control to make me bleed. And I was due like two or three days ago to actually start but being that I started on my own and with no help of BC really got me excited it’s been a long time coming but couple weeks ago also I started this yoga poses to do to help infertility my girlfriend told me she started doing them before she got pregnant so only thing I can think of is maybe those yoga poses helped me get my period back also I have no clue. But week before last I ended up in the urgent care which the doctor told me it was spasms in my stomach that was all it was prescribed me some medicine for pain and sent me home but right after that I ended up with major cramping in my abdomen area right above my vagina and below my belly button kinda in between them ya know and it lasted for a couple days it was so bad it was to where I couldn’t even get off the sofa without crying and when I would drive any little bump or jolt put me in a pain so one night as I laid down with my husband I asked him to please pray for me, as he did. The next morning the pain slowly but surely started vanishing and it never came back again. So I’m still at loss over what that could have been I was gonna eventually go to the doctor but to ER that time even when I had sex with my husband it hurt so bad to where I didn’t wanna do it. Anyways my main point is that im excited I got a period on my own and it isn’t withdraw bleeding it was a actual period this time with no help of a birth control pill so my question is now that it is my actual body that bleed own it’s own does that mean my lady parts are naturally working on there own and I can definitely still have a shot at getting pregnant cause it just seems here lately the more we pray and our church family does for us that things are slowly falling into place.. for example my husband got the perfect job not two weeks after he got fired from his last over something that wasn’t even his fault and we finally financially starting to get better and now this happened where I didn’t have to depend on a birth control pill to make me bleed my body did it itself so I have hopes that maybe just maybe I’m actually gonna ovulate now I think I’m gonna continue my yoga to help cause I’m wondering if that didn’t play a huge part also in me getting my period back on it’s own and if that is what took all that terrible pain away that I had... sorry for so long just a little excited but scared at same time and hoping for some replies .. thanks ...