Is this fair

I’m fairly new at my job. Have been there less than a year. Well I’m tired of working every other weekend. Me and my ONE coworker (let’s Call her Y.) works every other weekend. We alternate. And my other coworker let’s call her W. Doesn’t work any weekends. Were all in healthcare. Everyone works every other weekend. Well W says “I work Monday-Friday I need my weekends off”. I said if you alternate with Y and I we would only work 1 weekend a month. She didn’t say anything. She has another job that’s also healthcare. She got the job because of an old boss that used to work at my job switched to be the boss there and got her in. She works Monday-Thursday there 4 hours a day. No Friday’s. No weekends. Everyone else works every other weekends there too. She said she picks up sometimes a Saturday there to pick up extra hours. A lot of the weeks she has off Friday or Monday at my job. Mostly Friday’s. She’ll take off. Is that fair that literally everyone has to work every other weekend except her? I don’t know anyone else that gets weekends off. When I was changing my schedule my boss asked if I was going to work weekends because theres no way W would work weekends. How does that make any sense!!! She’s been there for 13 years. It’s bugging me lately. Managment at my job sucks. I’m stuck because my jobs paying for my school and I need it until I can get better which around where I live, unless you have a degree you aren’t getting any good job aside from McDonald’s and even they won’t hire lol.