Is my mom overreacting? Or am I wrong?

Hey! So I want to apologize if this post gets lengthy because it probably will.

I’m 17, turning 18 in a few days. In about a month I leave for college. All my life my mom has been extremely strict, to the point that even my friend’s parents have noticed it and commented on how strange it is. I can hang out with my friends about once a month and even then, it takes days to convince her and she complains about me going. She doesn’t want me going on dates, to graduation parties, and she wasn’t happy about me going to prom. She also assumes I’m doing awful things when I hang out with my friends, which isn’t true.

Since I’m turning 18 soon, I sat down with my mom and decided to ask her if I could have more freedom when it comes to seeing my friends, the freedom to decide for myself if I could go. She agreed, but before she agreed she cried and tried to make me feel guilty and accused me of “wanting to leave the family”. She also told my stepdad who is only here one day a week and somehow phrased it so that he’s mad at me.

Yesterday I went to my best friend’s graduation party and since it was going to end late, I spent the night too. I let my mom know all this days in advance. Yesterday as I was getting ready to go my mom refused to speak to me or return my hugs and at one point even said, “I don’t think I’ll ever like you again”. Exact words and that stung.

She ignored all my “good morning” and “almost home” texts. When I rang the buzzer-we live in an apartment building and there’s only one set of keys-she didn’t let me in for about 20 minutes even though she was up. She also hasn’t spoken to me all day even when I said “I love you”.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I just have to ask, am I wrong? Is she overreacting? I just don’t think I did anything wrong.