Baby girl is here😱💕😍


Last nite like around 4am my husband and I had sex. Woke up the next day around 12:00pm with mild cramps. So I started cooking, cleaning and i even danced in my living room like for 15 minutes. Then i was having contractions every 5 minutes and i was also sparing, so i asked my husband if we could had sex one more time and so we did, while we were having sex i was more and more in pain, he stimulated my nipples, i cum, he cum and 10 Minutes later my contractions were like in 100 i told him to take me to the ER and on our way to ER my water broke on his car. When i came to ER the nurse checked me and she said the baby head was almost out. no time for Epidural, no time to call my Mom, no time for my husband to find parking and get to the room. I pushed the baby twice and the baby was out. 😱

I would probably give birth the next day because my contractions wasn’t that bad, but once i had sex with my husband like for a good 20 minutes that was what really speed up my labor process.

Good luck to ya still waiting on that baby and don’t forget to always thank God and allow him to be with ya everywhere