Annoyed with OB - advice?


So I’m now 5w5d as far as I know. As soon as I got multiple positive tests I called OB office to schedule appointment. They scheduled me for an 8 week. I said no I need progesterone (took it with last pregnancy) so I need to come sooner. The receptionist said a nurse has to make that decision so they’ll have triage call me. They called I’m going on Thursday (will be 6w).

However my last pregnancy they did an US at 6w since I had a miscarriage with 1st pregnancy.

My thought is, what is the sense of me going in for this appointment to start progesterone if they aren’t going to do a US for viability first??

I will of course have a conversation with the dr in my appointment talking through this, my OB is pretty good about getting you an US on short notice if I’m already there or even maybe the next day.

***BUT my question is do i wait until the appointment, go in, talk to dr and assume they’ll probably get me an US? OR do I call triage again to explain and get it scheduled now so I can get it done simultaneously?

A few side notes, I will not be satisfied with a blood draw testing for HCG since my first pregnancy ended in MC close to 11 weeks, BUT the embryo stopped growing at 5w5d and sac at 7w5d, SO at my 8 week prenatal my HCG results were normal. So this result would mean nothing to me. Only an US would ease my mind.