9 months!

Janet • 27 year old dog mom for now... hopefully real mom soon. 😊

After 9 months of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a> I am beginning to feel very defeated. I know that it will happen eventually and I pray every day that this is the month it will happen.

Today I went in for my day 5 ultrasound to check my lining and my ovaries only to see a HUGE corpus leuteum meaning I need to wait until my next cycle to try again. 9 months of poking and prodding, being stuck by needles weekly, told that I'm not pregnant monthly and dealing with all of the hormonal ups and downs I am sad, I am angry, I am hurt and confused.

I just keep telling myself that I will be holding a baby eventually and smelling its teeny tiny head, holding its hand and teaching it all I know soon enough.

I was just wondering how other people going through fertility are getting through all of the hope and disappointment. Do you have any coping mechanisms that make your months a little easier? Any sage advice for us women fighting like you every second of everyday to fulfill our family dreams?