Diva cup tips PLEASE


So.. I got the Divacup last week in hopes that I would fall in love with it just as everyone else has, while helping the environment at the same time. But I’m ready to just throw it out and go back to tampons. This thing leaks ALL. THE. TIME. It’s not too big, I got the recommended size. in fact, it’s almost uncomfortable because I can feel it pushing on my vaginal walls.

Every time I think I have it right... low and behold... I am proven wrong and met with bloody parties. I check this thing almost every 2 hours so I know it’s not full!! I’ve read every article out there on how to get this thing to work and NOTHING has helped so I will try ANYTHING. How do I know when my cervix is inside it? How far should I push it up? How long did it take you guys to get the hang of this dang thing? PLEASE HELP ME!!! I am at my wits end and am about to go back to the cotton sticks.


Leaky and frustrated