My birth story 2 years later


So I thought I would share my birth story of my first baby boy!!! It’s been two years... but thinking back I wanna share!!

So me and my husband went to Monterey, CA for my birthday on the 21st of July. You know a get away before the baby comes! We drove three hours from home. Omg I was so excited for the vacation!!! I needed it! At this time I was 34 weeks 2 days and exhausted!!!

We get to your hotel. We check in. We head out to get some food!!!! Omg I’m starving!!! We get back to the hotel and we lay down in bed and relax!!! We end up find a show “Naked and afraid” and we watch it allll night! It was a blast!!! We also had a little bit of fun!!!

The next morning we wake up... it’s 8 am and it’s my birthday! We had a day planned of visiting cannery row (I’ve never been there or seen it) and relaxing on the beach! We jump in the shower and I swear I peed myself! I’m 34 weeks and 3 days!!! Not much to worry about right! No cramping nothing. So I’m good to go! We get out and I’m stop leaking but not much. Not what everyone told me I would be. I do my hair, makeup, I’m getting my pants on and I think I peed a little bit again... so I had to change! We jump in our car and we park on cannery row. My husband jumps out and puts 5$ in the meter... I get out of the car and I said “babe I think my water broke” he looks back at me and said “I think you peed baby! It’s ok it’s so small! It’s the size of a dime” then turns back around! I said “no babe my water broke!!!” At this point I have a pool of water at my feet!!!! Omg!!! We are three or more hours away from home!! What are we gunna do! I called my mom and she thought I was joking! Then freaked out and started packing a bag to head to me! I called my OB and she said to head to the hospital right away.

Me and my hubby head to the hotel I get our things and hopefully get our money back! (We paid for four days and we were on day number 2) the front desk didn’t believe my husband so I walked in the lobby and she gave us back our money so fast! We googled the nearest hospital and I decided I didn’t want to have him so far from home! So I decided to make the long drive Home!! I wanted McDonald’s before we left and they didn’t give me ranch with my chicken nuggets they gave me BBQ. I was pretty mad and made my husband walk in and grab the right kind!! He still won’t let me live that down! Ahhaha

Two hours later we are stuck in dead stopped traffic’ my husband is freaking out!! He keeps asking if he should call meta-flight.... he was freaking out bad!! So we finally get to the hospital... four hours of driving.... and we get checked in!! I’ve started and just waiting!!! They put something in to help my cervix start thinning! Omg I hated this tampon thing! It hurt so bad! It had to stay in for 12 hours... but my water was broken... I was over it! I had to get shots to help his lungs develop faster (those sucked!!) then we had to wait!

The next morning on July 23,2016 I was 34 weeks, 4 days... at 5 pm they started me on Pitocin! An hour later I was in so much pain!! They wouldn’t give me the epidural until I was 3 cm.. I finally got to 2.5 cm about 30 mins later and they gave my the epidural a bit earlier! Omg I was so happy! I was finally in active labor!!! Out of no where at 10:25 I felt like I had to push! My mom was like “no way! First baby’s don’t come this fast...” the nurse comes in and checks and says “we are at a 10. Baby’s head is right there it’s time!!” She calls the doctor we suit up (because I was early) and we are sent to an OR room right next to the NICU. I pushed for 15 mins and my baby boy was born! He was perfect at 5 pounds 1 ounce! And 18.5 inches long!! He wasn’t breathing perfect and was sent through the NICU window! I wasn’t able to see him until 2.5 hours after labor! As soon as I was able to see him I never left that NICU chair unless I was going to the bathroom, eating, or took 15 min power naps for a week straight! My baby boy was born perfeck


And now here is my baby two years later

Thank you for reading my super long post! Looking back and thinking back on him being born has me so sad, happy, proud, and wondering where the heck time has gone!!!

Happy birthday Brayden!! I’m so happy I’ve been able to watch you grow up into this perfect little boy!!