How do I talk to my SIL about her son?

My SIL and I are very close. Went to the same university and have been friends since high school. She has a son who is almost 3. He is the most miserable child to be around. Her parenting is great, he literally screams and cries and grows fits 24-7. Like pretty much since he was about 10 months old. She even started taking him to daycare and hey said he does he same all day as well. He is never content. He makes eye contact, talks a little but doesn’t really respond to his name. I have also never heard him really laugh, not once. His behavior makes it hard to spend time with them because it is so stressful. ( info try to be super supportive and just act like its not happening) any way, I’m trying to think of ways to help her and him. He is happy sometimes but it’s rare.A sensory processing disorder type condition keeps nagging at me and I dont know if it’s out of line to mention taking to his doc about it. I don’t want to upset her but if there is an underlying thing I’m just thinking therapy could help. In need some advice please!