Help. Independent new mommy


I’m being induced tomorrow at 41 weeks. I’m an independent woman and worked 5 days a week while paying half our bills.

Well my husband makes 3x more than me so sometimes I need his help. He sees it as helping us as a family. He’s definitely a provider.

I’m having a hard time accepting the fact that he’ll only be off for 2 weeks while we’re home with a brand new baby. I’m afraid of resentment that while he sleeps I have to get up every 2 hours. While he’s at work I’ll be dying for a social life and having my independence.

I know I’m jumping the gun here and assuming. My husband is amazing and he’ll be a great dad. He’s so excited and I’m more terrified. I’m jealous that he’ll be able to go back to work and I’ll be “stuck”’with a suckling baby 24/7. I have a history of depression and luckily haven’t had any since I got pregnant last October. Any words of advice? I hope I don’t hate it. I hope it goes smoothly and I hope it’s not as hard as I think it will be. I’m just a realist. Any wisdom would be super helpful! Thanks.